ProjectWise Explorer Help

To Move Documents Using Cut and Paste

  1. Select one or more documents.
  2. Select Document > Cut (or <Ctrl+X>).
  3. Select the folder or project to which you want to move the document(s).
  4. Select Document > Paste (or <Ctrl+V>).
  5. When prompted, Do you want to move document(s) here?, click Yes.
  6. Do one of the following:

    If the target folder does not already contain documents having the same document or file name as those being moved, then the selected documents are automatically moved to the selected folder.


    If the target folder already contains one or more documents having the same document or file name as those being moved, either ProjectWise will resolve the conflict for you, or you will be prompted to resolve the conflict yourself. See Resolving Document Creation Conflicts.